I'm here in the library waiting for Marissa to come back from her treat run to Walgreens and then we'll be headed home for the evening. I guess her chocolate cravings have gotten the best of her today, but I'm trying to stay firm in the midst of temptation. It's really hard to stay focused now, especially since everything is winding down and school at this point requires so much more of my attention. And at this stage in the game, I can't but channel all of my efforts into studying for my upcoming exams and getting this blessed degree. Nevertheless, a half hour at the gym isn't too much to ask of anyone in my opinion, and I should be able to find time for that during my day.
TWO WEEKS exactly until Chechu comes. I am absolutely ecstatic that we will finally be together after such a long time apart. This past month has been especially grueling for both of us and I'm just anxious for it all to come to an end, and for us to begin building our lives together. I miss him so much.
Tonight I'm taking a mini break from studying to hang out with Riss for a while, watch TV and just relax. I had my first final exam today in Simul> English. As with any interpretation exam there are always ideas or concepts that, in hindsight, could have been conveyed better, but I feel confident that I did well.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Last day of classes at MIIS
Posted by Marianna at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Last week of classes
So here it begins...
The semester is finally winding down. It's hard to believe that the past two years that I've spent here in Monterey, California have come down to this-- the final stretch of a long, arduous journey. This is our last week of classes, and I actually do have one final exam this week in my Simul>Spanish class. I feel like I'm trying to conserve strength at this point, to be able to remain focused during these last couple weeks. Studying for translation and interpretation exams can be so abstract, and it's difficult at times to pinpoint what areas or topics deserve the most attention at any given moment. Nonetheless, I feel confident going into these last couple of weeks. I know that God brought me here to bring me out victorious, and I am anxious to finally walk across that stage on May 12 and receive my degree. Amid all the chaos and nerve-wracking study schedules and exams, these are exciting times. And they are moments that I will look back on and smile, remembering God's faithfulness.
Chechu will be here in approximately two weeks. Two weeks, which at this point feel like an eternity. I am so excited to see him, and to have this period of separation finally come to an end. I miss him so much, and I'm so ready for this distance between us to be eliminated once and for all.
Posted by Marianna at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 20, 2007
Un día ajetreado
Hoy ha sido un día completito de trabajo. Esta mañana tuvimos una clase de interpretación consecutiva de cuatro horas, ya que hicieron un debate simulado los dos profesores de consec, y a nosotros nos tocó interpretar varios segmentos de sus intervenciones. Creo que ha resultado muy útil la práctica, pero muy agotadora también. Por lo visto, todos acabamos con ganas de volver a casa a dormir pero lamentablemente eso no pudo ser, por lo menos en mi caso.
Terminada esa clase, tuve que asistir a otra reunión para todos los estudiantes que nos graduamos este semestre, y allí nos orientaban acerca del tema de los préstamos y el protocolo necesario para irlos pagando. Después de esa sobrecarga de información me agobié pensando en la suma descomunal de deudas que yo he adquirido a lo laro de mi carrera universitaria y, posteriormente, las mensualidades que tendré que pagar una vez que termine.
Creo que el monto total ha alcanzado los $100,000 y me pongo nerviosa al pensar en las cuotas mensuales que me tocará pagar dada esa enorme cantidad.
Pero bueno, o bien me vuelvo loca pensando en esto o lo pongo en las manos de Dios, quien siempre tiene el control de todas las cosas. Opto por esa última, porque siendo hija suya sé que no me va a dejar nunca y que siempre satisfará cualquier necesidad que tenga. Además, fue Él quien me llevó a MIIS, y por lo tanto será Él quien acomoda todo, como siempre lo hace.
Posted by Marianna at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Day One
I decided to wait until the end of the day to write my first entry. Usually whenever I start new journals based on a fresh start with the diet (note how many "fresh starts" there have been over the years), I tend to write at the start of the day instead of waiting until it's practically over. Today, I decided to wait until I was just about ready to go to bed before begining this blog, and I'm glad that I did. Marissa and I decided to start out with a bang this week, and begin this new journey with detox. With the exception of a cup of Chai tea (which doesn't count anyway) I haven't eaten anything today and, to my surprise, I'm still a functioning human being. I know this is somewhat of a drastic measure, but with how things have been going the past couple of weeks, both Riss and I felt like we needed an extra push to get us back on track. And this has been that push.
Tomorrow we're going to the grocery store to stock up on food for the next couple weeks or so. I really want to focus on counting my calories and consuming around 1400 calories per day. For this week my goal is to work out at the gym for 30 minutes a day, every day. I think with an initial week like that, I'll be well on my way. I haven't even been on the scale to weigh myself for fear of being depressed into deviating even further from the path that I should be on. Maybe next week sometime I'll weigh myself again. For the past couple of months I've been at around 220 with no fluctuation. So I'm praying that this new focus will snap me out of this plateau and allow me to move forward.
The wedding is in approximately six months. SIX MONTHS. I am so thrilled about getting married, and my excitement totally overshadows any superficial desire to look like a princess on my wedding day. The most important thing is the life-long committment that Chechu and I will be making to each other on that day, before God, our families and our friends.
Nevertheless, I don't feel like looking my best is too much to expect froom myself. I know that if I can be disciplined enough to voluntarily keep my mouth shut today, then I can be consistent with this and come out on the winning side.
Posted by Marianna at 7:01 AM 0 comments