Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ready for summer...

...or so I think. In terms of my "ganas" for it to get here I'm all set, but in every other aspect I'm hardly close. It's frustrating because every winter I make the same declaration about losing weight to look good at the beach and, without fail, the warm weather arrives and I'm still wearing my sweltering hot "fat clothes" and, needless to say, looking like a beached whale in my electric blue plus-size bathing suit which I've come to detest. It's an interesting dilemma nonetheless because I'm not clueless as to what it is that I have to do in order to achieve the results that I want; on the contrary, I know exactly how to go about it all and that if I stick to it, I'll see changes in no time. Is that warped or what? I don't think there could be a better example out there of sheer laziness and lack of discipline.
All jokes and personal jabs aside however, what really concerns me about this whole thing isn't looking fashionably gorgeous at the beach this summer. My health, my husband's health and that of our future family is what is most important here. I want us both to be around to enjoy our family and our lives together to the fullest, not being inhibited by excess weight and all of the health problems that inevitably result from it. God has really placed it in my heart that now is the time to get this under control. In His infinite mercy He's allowed me to come to recognize this on my own and over time, without having to be forced to change due to major health scares or anything related. I certainly don't want to push His patience. I know that in this area of our lives at least, Chechu follows my lead. Since I cook for us, I'm the one who determines whether or not we eat healthy which, I'm coming to realize, is a huge responsability. God entrusts so many things to us, and I can't take this lightly.
Exercise is another area where we both fall incredibly short of the mark. Before the wedding we faithfully worked out to Turbo Jam every day, sometimes twice. Now, we've totally stopped exercising all together. Similarly, I know that if I take the lead in this area, Chechu will follow. I've totally come to the realization that I set the tone for all of this, and it's my responsability.
Looking good at the beach this summer is only a byproduct of being healthy, and that is the ultimate objective here.