Although I’m prepared for a pretty long day today, I’m definitely glad it’s Friday.
I’m finally coming out of the funk I’ve been in this week. I’m not sure if this is because I’m really over what’s been bothering me or if it’s just the Friday effect. Either way, I’m definitely going to see about myself because I can’t handle all these emotional ups and downs. Surely my doctor can give me some additional options that won’t wreak havoc on my moods.
So yeah, back to weight loss.
My update is about three days late and, needless to say, there isn’t much to mention. Thankfully I haven’t fallen back into over-eating, but I certainly haven’t been sticking to my plan. And exercise? HA! My workout schedule for this week that I posted on my sidebar might as well serve as another decoration because I haven’t worked out once so far.
But you know what? That’s okay. I’ve had a pretty rough week, and I’m not going to beat myself up over this. The important thing is picking myself up, dusting off and getting back on the wagon. And that starts today.
I’ve got a healthy lunch planned: fish fillets, brown rice, green salad and mixed veggies
However, tapas for dinner will be my challenge for the day. But I’m claiming victory. I am keeping my goals in mind and will stay within my limits.
As a side note, we ordered pizza last night for dinner. As we stood in the pizzeria waiting to pick it up, I noticed my reflection in the glass door of one of the refrigerators. To say that I was not happy with what I saw is a huge understatement. I’ve really let my appearance go over the years, and I’m so anxious to get that confidence back. This was definitely an additional push I needed to put me back on track.
So yeah, back to weight loss.
My update is about three days late and, needless to say, there isn’t much to mention. Thankfully I haven’t fallen back into over-eating, but I certainly haven’t been sticking to my plan. And exercise? HA! My workout schedule for this week that I posted on my sidebar might as well serve as another decoration because I haven’t worked out once so far.
But you know what? That’s okay. I’ve had a pretty rough week, and I’m not going to beat myself up over this. The important thing is picking myself up, dusting off and getting back on the wagon. And that starts today.
I’ve got a healthy lunch planned: fish fillets, brown rice, green salad and mixed veggies
However, tapas for dinner will be my challenge for the day. But I’m claiming victory. I am keeping my goals in mind and will stay within my limits.
As a side note, we ordered pizza last night for dinner. As we stood in the pizzeria waiting to pick it up, I noticed my reflection in the glass door of one of the refrigerators. To say that I was not happy with what I saw is a huge understatement. I’ve really let my appearance go over the years, and I’m so anxious to get that confidence back. This was definitely an additional push I needed to put me back on track.
You will certainly get your confidence back GIRL. Its such a process I hate that it has to be so hard. AND i hate those weeks that just seem to kick you while you are down you know? I hope you have a wonderful relaxing weekend. Do something NICE for yourself. And I hope you come back refreshed. Hugs.
Have a good , restful weekend and know that each small step/decision leads you closer to your goal. You can do it.
Hey chickadee you doing ok?
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