Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Plan

It's just after midnight here and I thought I'd get a quick post in before heading to bed. The weather here has been freezing as of late (very unusual for this type of climate) and it's been making headlines everywhere. Thankfully we don't live in the northern part of Spain where they've been bombarded with snowstorms over the past couple of days, but nonetheless this weather has me missing the balmy winter months we enjoyed last year..

I haven't posted anything substantial about my weight loss process in a very long time, mainly because it's been stagnant for months now. It's kind of disappointing to say that I find myself at the same place where I was last year- in fact I've gained a good 5-7 pounds since then. Chechu and I have recognized that we've taken a big-time fall off the wagon and that both of us have gained weight in the process. I feel like I've been flailing in my efforts to get things back on track- one day I'll be totally on, and the next day throwing caution to the wind. It's terribly frustrating.

The "dilemma" in our case is that the holidays are here and within a few short days we'll be on our way back to the States to spend Christmas and New Year's with my family. I find it completely unrealistic to commit to a restrictive fruit and vegetable plan in order to lose weight while we're away and I refuse to continue to allow myself to fall into that same rut, thinking that this time around that plan of action will yield positive results. In short, the main goal for both of us is to come back not having gained anymore weight and then continuing with our plan here at home. However, it'd be great to work out at least a few times with my sister, and definitely lay low on the holiday treats. I guess I just have to see the importance of the holidays minus all the food- a difficult challenge at best. I don't know- to some it may sound like I'm accepting mediocrity but at this point I see it as not setting myself up for failure. I'm going home with my husband to enjoy the people, culture, food, etc that I haven't been around in over a year, and I refuse to allow myself to get stressed out about numbers on the scale. Maybe that's the key of it all in the first place..

I do know that upon our return there will be some specific things that will have to change in order to ensure our success in this endeavor:

1). As the primary cook for our family, I realize that the bulk of our healthy eating (or lack thereof) depends on moi. Since I somehow innately always cook for six people instead of two, one of my biggest challenges is decipering portion control and sticking to it. My husband comes from the type of family that teaches you to clean your plate, full or not, and like me, the women in his family enjoy cooking large amounts of food so that everyone can eat to their heart's content. So, in other words, that means at meal time we eat. A lot. Like two or even three times the amount we should be eating. Diet-wise this is one of the biggest things that has to change.

2). We've been allowing red meat back into our diet. In large quantities. And that's not exactly the best option for me to keep my cholesterol under control. So after Christmas, nothing but chicken and fish crossing these lips.

3). The sugary drinks will also be making their exit come January. Aside from milk and the very occasional sip of wine here and there, drinking 64oz of water will become a norm for both of us.

I'm sure that just by putting these three changes in practice we'd automatically start seeing the pounds come off. This will definitely be the backbone of our plan and that coupled with exercise will definitely ensure us success.