Monday, June 23, 2008


So yeah, getting back to weight-loss and all...

Diet-wise I've been off track for a good little while and and my now tight-fitting clothes blatantly evidence that. Strangely enough however, I don't feel like a horrible person nor have I fallen into my normal pattern of beating myself up endlessly for making less-than-stellar choices regarding food and exercise. On the contrary, I'm seeing this as just another bend in the journey and I recognize that I'm now ready to pick up where I left off and get back on the straight and narrow.

It really doesn't have to be anymore complicated than that.

After discussing this whole deal with my sister, I finally get that:

  • This isn't a race to the finish line.
I'm through with making ridiculous, unattainable goals for myself, only to buckle under the weight of all the pressure, (no pun intended) digging myself even further into a hole I'm trying to get out of.

  • My sole purpose in getting this weight of is for my health and wellbeing and not to meet some crazy standard that I've tried to impose on myself.

My friends and family love me for who I am regardless of my weight and my husband swears up and down that I'm the sexiest thang on this Earth. I embrace that and the fact that I don't have to be a perfect size 6 to be worthy of it.

So what's my plan?

1). EXERCISE! I've been off track with this for nearly a month now. Tonight I did about seven minutes or so of Turbo Jam and finished up some housework which, all things considered, is a start. My goal is to gradually (and reasonably) get back into my hour-long workouts and incorporate strength training as well.

2). Journal my food choices.

3). Get over the scale.

4). Get in multiple servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and 64oz water

I'm excited about all that is to come!!


Nona said...

I agree there is absolutely no point beating oneself up. Your plan of action sounds very achievable.

Like you I want to lose my weight for health reasons ... and a little bit of vanity too to be honest. I am in it for the long haul so no matter how much I stumble I must pick myself up and try again. I want to live a disease free life.

The love and support is critical.

Buffedstuff said...

Oh the weight loss journey is a hard one but you will reach your goals just never give up on you and if you fall jump back up and get back into the game. I wish you well on this journey.

Alli said...

Hey girl! Glad you are back to it. I know sometimes you just need a break plain and simple. I totally feel ya.