Thursday, June 12, 2008

Exercise woes

This has been quite an atypical work week. Since Monday there's been a transportation strike going on, and given that the bulk of our work depends on product distribution we've been twiddling our thumbs over the past few days. Well, so to speak. While the boss isn't in, my two coworkers have been periodically stepping out of the office to run personal errands or do other things. I however have been manning the fort, and taking advantage of this down time to catch up on my transcription work (my other part-time job). I've had quite a productive week thus far and I'm hoping the strike lasts through tomorrow so that I can finish up the week with a decent number of hours.

I really feel like I've come to a standstill with regard to my diet and exercise regime. It seems like the more I try to get passionate about making goals and getting back on plan, the further away from it all I stray. It's not like I've been going out of control as of late- on the contrary I've continued to make pretty decent choices food-wise, barring the occasional ice cream cone of course, but on the whole I feel okay about this aspect of my diet. Exercise, however, is another story all together. I just can't bring myself to do it. I can't get up earlier in the mornings to work out, and I'm either too tired or have other obligations in the evening after work to exercise then either. I'm bored with the workout videos that I've been using. All in all, I just don't know how to get back on track with this. I understand that exercise is a key element to weight loss, but in moments like these I feel like I have no idea where to begin. I have to break this mindset if I ever want to see any progress. How can I get the ball rolling again?


Alli said...

I am glad you liked that video!!! They are so hilarious.
It sounds to be that you are burned out. Maybe you could start back small and try and rekindle what you liked about exercise... how it makes you feel... Maybe make a list of reasons you LOVE exercise. I know its hard sometimes you just dont want to do it (that was monday and tuesday for me) but the longer you wait the harder its going to be. Try doing just 30 min today of something...even just a walk outside. Have you tried putting stickers on a calendar for the days you work out? I know it sounds lame but that does motivate me some.

Felicia said...

I have no great *get out there and work out* tips but if you find the secret to "wanting to do it" please do share it lol.

Have a wonderful day!