Friday, August 10, 2007

Remember you're on a diet, Nan?

The thought occurred to me this afternoon to get a scale from Carrefour. I spoke with Chechu about it just a little while ago on the phone, and he tried to convince me otherwise, saying that I'll stress myself out too much and get obsessed. On the one hand he's probably right, but quite honestly a little obsession at this stage in the game won't hurt me in the least. Not having a scale around when you're trying to lose weight is voluntarily staying out of touch with reality, and in my case, with a wedding gown in the balance, I have no room for error. I know that I've lost weight since I tried my dress on the last time, but exactly how much is very speculative. I refuse to put myself through the same public humiliation and torment of trying on MY wedding gown that won't zip up in the back, of course through no fault of its own.

So aside from journaling my daily life experiences, I'm also going to keep track of what I eat and how much exercise I do during the day. It's a proven fact that cataloging your food intake and exercise activities helps keep you on track. So without further ado, here's what I've eaten and how much I've moved today:

7 galletas Cuétara
1 juice box, fruit punch

2 cups tortellini carbonara

2 pieces of chocolate
1 juice box


25 minute walk
20 minutes to bus stop & back
30 minute walk (bus station to church w/ weights)