Monday, March 10, 2008


So I've felt kind of irritated this past weekend, due to my seemingly endless weight loss saga, a little homesickness and just an overall sense of blah. I feel totally exhausted this morning. The AM workout was beyond out-of-the-question as I was physically unable to get out of the bed until the last possible minute. Amazingly enough I had time to make the bed, pull out a few things from the freezer for lunch and down a couple gulps of coffee before heading out the door.

I got another irate "you don't call home enough" email from my mom this morning. Not exactly the boost I needed to get me out of my funk. Marissa and mom (totally alike in personalities)constantly butt heads about this and usually in those instances I take on the role of mediator-reconciliator, although in the end I naturally tend to always side with Mom. I totally understand my mom's perspective: my twin sister and I are her only kids. We've always been a closely-knit family. The three of us were born and raised in the same small town in rural PA. We all graduated from the same high school and university-- anyone would have guessed that at this point we'd be living within a 5-10 mile radius of each other. Enter winds of change. Between studying abroad and grad school, Riss and I have been all over the place. I'm now living in Spain, a good 3500mi from home, and Riss has since moved out to L.A., about the same distance away. A lot of parents in my mom's position probably would have gone nuts over the idea of having their kids so far spread out over the world, but my mom has graciously accepted it all and has never stopped being supportive. We speak on the phone once a week and try to email, but as of lately my emails haven't been as frequent. I could take on the attitude of "I have my own life now, I don't have time to email or call all the time," but that would be unfair and selfish on my part. As a parent, whenever that day comes, I think I would expect to hear from my children on a regular basis too.

I haven't exercised all weekend either. On Saturday afternoon before church I started to work out with TJ, but I just wasn't feeling it at all. I did maybe 10 minutes of the workout and quit. I totally need to do something else now, as I'm starting to get bored with the same movements. Weather permitting, I'd really like to get out and walk in the mornings and just save the workout dvds for rainy days or nights. I have to find my mp3 player and put in some new songs.. My goal tonight after work is to do either Slim in 6 or Power 90.

For WI today, I don't have any astounding results to post- I'm still at 222.8 as of this morning. Will the numbers ever go down?