Thursday, April 24, 2008


So I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed this morning.

I d0n't feel well at all. Yesterday afternoon at work I started feeling progressively worse as the hours dragged on. By the time I made it to church for Bible study I had a pretty bad headache and a ton of sinus pressure. I'm still feeling the same way this morning despite taking this "Stop Cold" medicine my husband bought from the pharmacy. I'm not sure if what I'm feeling is actually cold-related or if it's allergies. Either way, I feel like crap.

On top of feeling sick I've got a ton of work to do for a change. Lots of research to do, companies to call, emails to write and pending quotes to finalize. I'm not complaining in the least about this because I'm thankful for the work that I do have. I just wish I felt better so that I could feel like I was getting things done more efficiently.

This weekend is the annual youth retreat at our church. I haven't mentioned this before because my original intention was not to go in the first place. Chechu isn't going to be able to attend since he's the only worship team member who can sing and play an instrument, and therefore he's been asked to lead worship during both Saturday and Sunday services so as to allow the rest of the musicians to go to the retreat. I wholly admit that a big chunk of my motive for skipping out on this event was to be able to spend time with my husband and keep him company over the weekend. Or, to put it frankly, if he wasn't gonna go, I wasn't gonna go either.

I feel like as of lately I've had quite a lackluster attitude about participating in church events. The other week it was the concert in Jaén that I felt pushed into attending, even though I ended up having a great time. I honestly don't know why I've been feeling this way, but I do know that it needs to change. After praying about it all I really felt led to attend the retreat even though I didn't really want to. On top of the fact that this week the pastors have really been encouraging all of us to make the extra effort to attend, I'm going to go just to counter this funk I've been in. I know that in doing so I'll be blessed. Surely we'll all have an amazing time together!

I'm not sure if I'll ever be a morning exerciser and that stresses me out too. Obviously feeling under the weather was my excuse for not rolling out of bed at 7am today, but in general I just can't seem to shake the grogginess. I could understand the difficulty in getting up at 5 every morning to work out, but 7am really isn't that bad. I should be able to handle that. So I'm kind of at a loss for words about this whole thing. I'd like to think that I'll work out this afternoon during my break but I just don't know if that will be possible. I suppose I'll just have to make time.

On a more positive note, I have the best husband ever. I got home late last night after Bible study only to find him in the kitchen making dinner and lunch for today. In spite of my offers to help he insisted on me taking some medicine and going straight to bed. The poor thing was up until almost 2am cooking, cleaning and ironing. What an amazing guy ;)


Allison said...

Awww, your husband sounds like a real sweetheart to take care of all that, especially that late at night!
I hope you feel better real soon. :)

Alli said...

Hey chick, I am sorry you are feeling bad today. I hope the physical ailments will subside quickly. As for the work stuff at least tomorrow is Friday. I am SOOOOO friggin ready for the weekend. I have definitely earned it this week and from the sound of it you have too!
I don’t blame you for wanting to skip the retreat to stay home with Chechu. I mean you have had a rough week sometimes you deserve a break. But I do know if you decide to go you might hear something that the Lord had for you to hear--- I find that when I have a difficult time finding the motivation to go to a service most of the time when I do make it there I hear something really amazing that touches my life…
Don’t beat yourself up about the morning exercise the key to making it a habit is to fit it into YOUR schedule the best way for you… if you like sleep do it at night. I simply can NOT do the morning thing myself. Yea for good husbands!!

Marissa said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Your husband sounds like such a sweetie!