Monday, February 25, 2008

Friday-Monday Review

It's so hard to believe that we're already in the last week of February. I guess that's logical seeing that this is the shortest month of the year, but it's still pretty cool to think that March will be here by the weekend. That means summer is inching closer and closer around the corner. YAY.

I've got killer cramps today and I'm feeling a little nauseous. In spite of that, however, I actually have more motivation to be here in the office- a stark contrast to my lackluster mood on Friday when all I wanted to do was go home. Hopefully I'll be able to maintain that motivation during the afternoon hours when staying on task can prove to be quite a challenge. However, I do have something to look forward to over the next few days, which should help to keep my mojo running. This is actually a short workweek for us since Thursday is a local holiday here, el Día de Andalucía, and all businesses will be closed to observe it. Chechu and I were going to take another stab at visiting Cuevas de Almanzora since we weren't able to go on Saturday, but I've just found out that the museums will be closed for the holiday. Crap. Oh well, I'm sure we'll come up with something else entertaining to do, even if it is just relaxing and watching movies, which doesn't sound all that bad.

So onto the weekend in review...

  • Saturday. Chechu and I went to breakfast at our favorite café, La Brújula, and I had one of my prized tostadas con tomate with salt and garlic-scented olive oil. I honestly have no idea how we've missed out on that breakfast tradition in the States... Afterward we headed over to Almería- I went to my English class with Jennifer and Chechu had his regular tutoring session with David. Following our classes we went to Carrefour in search of a bookcase. Initially we planned to put it in our guest room, since that's become the deposit for all of our books and papers, but we decided to pit it in our livingroom instead. It looks amazing!! We look so intellectual with all of our books out on display. Little does Chechu know that I have a huge stack of my own books that I intend to bring back with me on our next trip to PA to add to the collection... After church service we went to Gastón's birthday party, which was a lot of fun. I ended up going against my original plan, eating pizza and a slice of birthday cake. Sigh..

  • Sunday. We stayed in all morning to do some house cleaning and organizing. Thankfully the guest room is now more orderly, however the house cleaning part wasn't as complete as I would have liked. I suppose that'll be my treat for this week, as I do genuinely enjoy it.. We drove up to Granada with Sarai to be at church by 6pm. It was a really nice service with a great message. Bastian preached since Dani and Lili were both out of town. I really enjoy listening to him speak. We got home last night around midnight and we were both starving so we cut up the last bit of cured ham that we have left and made sandwiches. Sigh. At least I didn't have the chocolate that I was so close to grabbing.

I did get on the scale on Saturday, and I'm currently at 219.0 again. So this means that over the past couple weeks I've lost...NOTHING. Third and final sigh. I can be proud of a few things though, mainly that exercise is starting to become part of my normal routine. I didn't work out over the weekend, but I do intend on starting back up this evening after work. I realize that this is going to be one of the key elements to my weight loss and I really want to get into it. I worked out a surprising four days last week, and I intend to do that or better this week. By March I want to get up to five days, and eventually reach six days. I know that isn't an impossible goal. If I'm consistent with it, I will achieve it.

I'm on my way back home for lunch, but I'll be back at some point this afternoon. I really want to go over my goals and my PLAN to reach them.