Friday, February 15, 2008

VDay, etc.

So Valentine's Day came and went with a rocky start and, thankfully, a pleasant finish. Unfortunately Chechu and I weren't able to carry out our original plans given that he's been sick practically all week. He finally went to the doctor's office yesterday, and on the way back he stopped by the office to bring me a Valentine's Day cake and a very sweet card. We ended up spending the rest of the afternoon in the office together with Cristina, and then we left to go back home at the usual time. After dinner we picked the perfect VD movie to watch-- Notting Hill. I had forgotten how much I love that movie. Hopefully the weather will cooperate tomorrow and we'll be able to get out and enjoy the day together.

As far as weight loss is concerned, I haven't been on the scale since Wednesday. I do plan to weigh in tomorrrow morning to see where I stand. Since Chechu has been sick I haven't stayed on track with exercise this week. I'll exercise tonight when I get back to the house, all the while thinking of my heavenly shower afterwards.

In spite of the lack of exercise I'd say that this first week has gone by considerably well. Last night I did get up at 4am to eat breakfast cookies and a few chunks of tortelini, but nothing in mass quantities like I usually do. My immediate goal for tonight is to stay away from the kitchen and take advantage of the fact that for once at this hour I'm not feeling famished.

Breakfast: coffee with 2 tsp sugar and skim milk
Lunch: 2 cups lentil soup, bread
Snack: strawberry yogurt cup, banana

I'd like to post my weight loss goals on here too just to get an idea of where I want to be..