Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's a beautiful morning

Although it never really gets that cold here, the spring-like temperatures we've been having lately have certainly brightened my mood, making me more and more anxious for those gloriously hot days of summer to finally arrive. I'm really excited about these next few months and I'm looking forward to see and experience everything that the Lord has in store for us.

In spite of a few hang-ups, the past couple days have gone really well diet-wise. After my TaeBo workout on Tuesday night, I was also motivated to get up on Wednesday morning and work out to Turbo Jam. It was actually a lot of fun. I also weighed myself yesterday after exercising, and I was pleased to see that I had come down to 219.8. I don't want to get obsessed with weighing myself everyday, and having the scale right there in the bathroom makes it difficult to bypass in the mornings. Nevertheless, I'll hold off until Saturday or Sunday morning to see where I stand. My initial goal was to be at 210 by the first week in March, and seeing how that is roughly nine pounds away, I may have to up my goal to 215 by the 1st, which is fine. I don't care if it takes me until the second or third week in March to get down to 210- the important thing is that I get there at some point in March.

Slowly but surely we're changing our eating habits. Since Chechu had the afternoon off yesterday he took care of doing our grocery shopping for the next couple weeks. I added Balsamic vinegar and some dried fruits and nuts to the list to incorporate in our meals this week. Being a meat-and-potatoes type of guy, he kind of wrinkled his cute little nose at first, hehe, but he's willing to try anything new. I plan to make a kiwi & mandarin orange salad for lunch this afternoon with a few cashews sprinked in with balsamic vinegar and a dash of olive oil.. MMMMM! I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that it will be well-received.

I've happily bought into the whole "siesta" tradition here in Spain. Before Chechu and I got married I wasn't that into it, but now that we're living on our own it has become one of the daily routine aspects that I really enjoy- mostly because it's an uninterrupted hour that I get to spend with my husband right in the middle of the day. I suppose that in a perfect world, we'd take that time to go for walks or do more productive things which, from time to time we have done in the past. I don't think it'd be difficult for me to fall out of the siesta habit, but Chechu's case is alltogether different seeing that he was born into the siesta culture.. Nevertheless, I think we could incorporate noon-time walks maybe once a week on one of the days where he doesn't work during the afternoons. Hey, I've just come up with a great idea!! I should bring it up at lunch over our kiwi/mandarin salad!

I plan to do Turbo Jam this afternoon after Chechu leaves for work, from 3:45-4:30. Taking time out for exercise means that I'll have to put off my household chores until tonight when I get home from the office, which won't be an issue for me as I enjoy cleaning the apartment in the evenings after work. Somehow it relaxes me. Strange, I know, but all I can do is pray that it lasts! We just bought this new pine-scented floor cleaner, and I'm anxious to try it out!