Sunday, November 11, 2007

Overdue entry from a married lady...

Sometimes I still can't believe that I'm married, and it's been nearly a month. On days like today I wish that Chechu and I would have had more time to ourselves to be in our own little world after the wedding and honeymoon, but alas, grown-up responsibilities call. Overall the transition from singlehood to married life hasn't hit me as hard as it apparently strikes some people, but it has definitely been a transition nonetheless. The idea of Chechu and me sharing a life and a bed together is completely new and exciting for both of us, and I pray that we always maintain that spark of intrigue and excitement in our marriage.

This morning Chechu had to be in Granada early for a rehearsal and he'll be there until service this evening. Charo and I will be going to Granada together after she gets back from work. Since we don't have the internet at the apartment, I decided to come to Charo's this morning to work a couple hours and prepare lunch before we leave. I've definitely missed her and I think of her often, wondering how she's handling the empty nest. I'm sure this is as much of a transition for her as it is for us, even though she won't let on about it.

Chechu's contract has finally come in, praise the Lord! He should receive it this week to sign and then send back. Most likely before the end of the month or the start of next he'll be teaching. While I have certainly appreciated having him around during the day to be able to run errands or keep me company at the office, I am anxious for him to get out there and start working. He has handled this whole ordeal with such grace and patience- he truly is an example for me to look up to in so many ways.

The diet has been marching on slowly. Chechu and I have fallen off the turbo jam wagon that we were tightly strappd to before the wedding. Now that December is fast approaching we really have to get back on track. My dress is actually with Mom, so I've started to fall into that "out of sight, out of mind" way of thinking and I must snap out of it. I'm not sure of how or where to gather the motivation from, but I know that if I start Chechu will follow. We really have to get this together. Not just for the wedding, but for life. I want to be attractive to Chchu always, and in order for that to happen, "Manolita" has got to go.