Saturday, June 9, 2007

otro email a la Mari

Hey Sis,

As usual, I was really glad to get your email, and on the contray, thanks for the "novel." It's about 9:30am here and I just got up not too long ago. I must say that I miss you and mom very much, and I am looking forward to all of us being together again soon. I would call you guys now, but it's 3:30am there, and after such a hectic and emotionally-charged week that we've all had, rest is hard to come by. Know that both of you are in my prayers as always, and that I love you.

Things here have been starting to look up for the better. Like you, I've been working on the tutorial for the CAHSEE scoring thing. By next week I'd like to email them to say that I'm ready to take the exam. This time around I've been studying a lot more and taking the tutorials a lot more seriously. So hopefully that will turn out in my favor once I go to take the test. That would be such a blessing if I could have that come through, plus work with Ordinate and anything else that I can get. I have received two job offers thus far, which is very exciting news :) Both are language academies-- one is located in Roquetas de Mar, which is about 15-20 minutes outside of Almeria, and the other is located right here in town. The owners of the Roquetas academy contacted me at the beginning of the year (I don't know if you remember me telling you this) and when I told them that I was in CA finishing my master's they said to contact them once I got back to Almeria. So yesteday I sent an email and within five minutes or so I got a phone call from them. I'm supposed to be going in to meet with them next week to discuss further conditions about the job.The owners are British, and they're husband and wife. So the husband (Graeme) said that Sarah (wife) would contact me about when to come in. He said that they're really interested in me because of my qualifications, but that at this point they can only offer me a few hours a week to work, which actually works out great for me since I'll be doing Ordinate and hopefully this CAHSEE scoring thing too.
As regards the other academy, I got an email from them this morning saying that they're interested in me as well. Apparently the job won't start until October, but it's from 4-9pm and they pay 815€ a month, which for part time work isn't all that bad. Especially considering that in the mornings I could obviously be doing other things, like Ordinate, etc. So I'll be emailing them back to find out when I can come in for an interview. Thanks for your prayers-- I really feel confident that God is going to bless us all tremendously in this area, so keep your chin up and keep going.

Yesterday afternoon I went over to visit with Luchi (Luciana), one of the girls from the church. She and I met in March 2006 when I came here for the first time. She and her husband are from Argentina and they've been living in Spain for the past few years. I had a really great time talking with her and catching up. She's such a sweetheart, and I have the feeling that the two of us are going to become very good friends. She's thrilled about the wedding, and equally as excited about meeting you and Mom. Yesterday I told her about what happened at the Comisaría, etc., and we talked about that for a while. Obviously she and Gastón have been through the same experience, and they're still getting their papers in order to be here legally. She said that it took her a while to get used to Spain, and that at first she cried and cried because she missed her family, etc. But now she says that she feels very much at home and she knows that this is God's plan for her. So we talked for a bit about that, about marriage, hehehe. (She and her husband are both our age) I'll have to send pictures of her.

Chechu came to pick me up from Luchi's at around 10:30pm, and from there we went to Leo and Cristina's house to have dinner. They live in Aguadulce, which is just a few minutes outside of Almeria. Their apartment is abosolutely adorable-- it is small, but they have it so beautifully decorated and it looks so comfortable to live in. They also recently got a puppy-- Nina, and she was running around jumping and climbing on everyone. Just adorable :) I had a great time hanging out with them. They were both telling us about how God has blessed them with their house, the furniture that they now have, and how they both had been praying for a car. Leo said that one day he found the top of a gearshift somewhere (you know on the stick shift, the ball that has the numbers on it to show you where 1st, 2nd, etc. gear is) and he picked it up by faith, claiming that his car was going to come. And sure enough, a few days later someone from the church called him to say that he wanted to give his car to them. How amazing is that??? After he told us that testimony, he went to the foyer where they have a chest of drawers and he took out the gearshift top to show us. Then he told me to take it by faith, because God was going to provide us with a car, jobs and everything else that we'll need. So I was excited about that :) And I have it right here with me! I know that God is faithful and that he will make all things work.

Before leaving Leo and Cristina's house, Chechu suggested that we prepare a barbecue one day soon, and to invite Luchi and Gastón. So I guess plans for that are in the making. It's funny because it even feels like we're a married couple now, hanging out with other married couples, hehehe.. So we'll see.

Today there is a meeting in Aguadulce with all the jóvenes. Apparently Dani will be speaking about sex and dress (I supposed that will be geared more towards the women). So I guess we'll see what that will be like. I'll definitely bring the camera to take pictures. We're supposed to be driving down with Luchi and Gastón, so I guess we'll all leave this afternoon. I'll let you know how it goes..

As far as Ecuador is concerned, I will be praying for God to give you clarity and wisdom. Have you thought about speaking with Pastor Lorraine about it? There's nothing like spiritual guidance. Or even see if you can get a hold of Pastor Toni and speak with her. It certainly is interesting that they now upped the course load to four classes though. But you think that will be too much? Quite honestly, Riss I have a feeling that something will work out with DLI and that you'll be back in Californina. Have you thought about looking for other jobs in the SJC-MRY area that will at least bring you back there?

Know that I'm praying hard for you on this end too. Keep me posted on everything and on how things are going.

I love you and I'll talk to you soon. I'll probably try to call if I don't get back too late so keep your phone one.

Love you. Love to Mom too.