Friday, April 27, 2007

Last day of classes at MIIS

I'm here in the library waiting for Marissa to come back from her treat run to Walgreens and then we'll be headed home for the evening. I guess her chocolate cravings have gotten the best of her today, but I'm trying to stay firm in the midst of temptation. It's really hard to stay focused now, especially since everything is winding down and school at this point requires so much more of my attention. And at this stage in the game, I can't but channel all of my efforts into studying for my upcoming exams and getting this blessed degree. Nevertheless, a half hour at the gym isn't too much to ask of anyone in my opinion, and I should be able to find time for that during my day.

TWO WEEKS exactly until Chechu comes. I am absolutely ecstatic that we will finally be together after such a long time apart. This past month has been especially grueling for both of us and I'm just anxious for it all to come to an end, and for us to begin building our lives together. I miss him so much.

Tonight I'm taking a mini break from studying to hang out with Riss for a while, watch TV and just relax. I had my first final exam today in Simul> English. As with any interpretation exam there are always ideas or concepts that, in hindsight, could have been conveyed better, but I feel confident that I did well.