Monday, June 9, 2008

It's June 9th already?

It's been a pretty relaxing Monday morning thus far, which I'm quite thankful for considering the jam-packed weekend we had. In reference to my general state last week, on the whole I feel 100% better on all levels, and that has made for a much happier, more-pleasant-to-be-around Marianna. I'm actually looking forward to my doctor's appointment this coming Friday just to bring some closure to all these issues I've been experiencing lately.

In spite of being busy, I had a really great weekend. I've got a ton of pictures to post!

Diet-wise, things have been slightly off-kilter as of late. Exercise has been non-existant for two weeks, and we haven't been following our diet plan as closely as we used to. However, I am happy to report that I have yet to fall back into my old binge habits. For me, this is a big change. Nevertheless, I need to get back in control here. I need to get back into exercise starting today, and I'm going to start journaling my food intake again.


Alli said...

Sometimes you just need a break you know? I am glad you are feeling better this week. I still feel like I need 3 extra hours in my day. I feel overwhelmed mentally... but just two weeks until a break thank god! Hope u have a great week girl!

Trisha J. said...

Sounds like you needed a little time to focus on other parts of you! I believe mental, emotional and spiritual health are just as important as physical health. They are all intertwined. Glad you are making yourself healthy in all ways.