Monday, July 7, 2008

Exercise challenge

So this upcoming week has been the one that I've least looked forward to this entire summer. My husband left this evening for a teacher's conference near Madrid and won't be back until Thursday.. Poo. Initially the plan was for him to get up early tomorrow morning and leave out by 7am to make sure he was at the conference by the 11am start, but we later decided that the better option would be to head up this evening and spend the night at his grandmother's house, located fairly close to where the conference is being held. The activities conclude Wednesday evening, but rather than making the long drive back home that night he'll be staying over at his gram's again and leave out Thursday morning.

Although we've had a great weekend together, knowing he was going to be leaving tonight kind of put a damper on my mood. The two of us have grown more attached to each other than we've ever been since we got married last year, and when he's not here there's a part of me that's missing too. I seriously started to cry as I watched him pull away!

Nevertheless, I intend to make the most of the four days ahead of me. I've got some summer cleaning projects I want to finish up and, more importantly, I really want to jump-start my exercise plan. My goal is to journal and exercise every day this week, keeping track of my eating and exercise.

Here's to the start of a new week!


Alli said...

Awwww!! I hate when B leaves for trips too! The best way to get through it is to stay busy. Just think of all you can accomplish over the next 4 days!! And how awesome it will be to see the hub again after a little breaK!

Trisha J. said...

I was the one gone instead of hubby! I went to Texas for 2.5 weeks. Hubby was lost w/o me and the little one. Glad to be home---good luck with your goals.