Friday, July 25, 2008

It's crazy to see how fast this summer is flying by-- this is the last weekend of July! This time last year Chechu and I were running around getting all of our documents in order for the wedding and now we're just about two months shy of our one-year anniversary. Crazy how fast the time goes when you're having fun :)

I hope to get a more detailed post in tomorrow since I'll have practically the entire day to myself. As for the rest of today I'm looking forward to getting through these last four hours of work that await me after my break, and then we have a birthday party to go to tonight which should be fun. >:)


Alli said...

Happy early anniversary!!!
Hey I hope you like the SBD book... email me if you have any questions or anything about week 1! It would be so fun to have a buddy to do this with.

Nona said...

Yes, the summer is flying by. Have fun at your birthday party. Don't eat too much cake. ;P

How lovely that you have your first anniversary coming up. What do you plan to do to celebrate?