Monday, July 14, 2008

Rainy days and Mondays...

The skies have since cleared up from this morning when I left out for work in the middle of a thunderstorm. I was kind of hoping the weather would stay that way today-- theres's something about summer storms that I find ironically peaceful. Nevertheless, at this point the sun has fully come out and there's no cloud in sight. I suppose I can put up with another sunny day ;)

Things at work are going okay today. The Friday from hell had us all running away from the office last week, and I think I can speak for all of us in saying that no one was exactly looking forward to seeing each other's faces at 9am this morning. I sure as hell wasn't. But, thankfully, the morning shift has quickly come and gone without to many hassles. I've got four more hours to look forward to this afternoon that will hopefully go by just as fast and problem-free.

The weekend was good- short as always but we had fun. On Friday night we went to the movies to see The Happenning which I thought was ok. Some things didn't tie together in the end, but all in all it wasn't horrible. At some point this week we plan to go see The Chronicles of Narnia which I'm looking forward to. Saturday we spent almost the whole day with an ex-coworker of Chechu's who came over with his girlfriend to have lunch with us. We ended up hanging out for the entire afternoon and had a great time. At their request I made pork ribs and cheddar-bacon potatoes. Rave reviews on that :) Yesterday was church in the morning and Granada in the afternoon.

I'm hoping this week goes by fast.


Alli said...

I love love love rainy days but I hate hate hate going to work on rainy days. I would rather be home in bed with a good book or movie you know?
I hope today goes quickly for you and me both. =)

Anonymous said...

Send some of that rain my way, lol have a good week

Alli said...
