Monday, August 25, 2008


I've struggled with my weight for practically my entire life- so much so that it subconsciously has become a part of who I am. Being on some sort of diet or, at the very least, being painfully aware of how much I eat and exercise every day has claimed a big part of my identity for a very long time. What initially started out as a plan to lose the baby fat at age 13 has extended through my twenties, often times leaving me feeling like the little mouse that runs full-speed on an exercise wheel but never gets anywhere.


I just need to stop thinking and start doing.


Alli said...

I am so right there with you babe. I feel like its a ship that will never reach its port. =(

Felicia said...

*BIG HUGS* So been there. Starting and sticking to the start is the hardest part. You can do it. You are worth doing it for! One step at a time, one day at a time heck one minute at a time.



Nona said...

I too have been struggling with weight for almost my entire life. I did have a ten year period of living thin but that feels like soooooooo long ago now.

I have been trying to lose the weight again since January 2005 and I too find the process very frustrating.

After reading your post, I began to think of that Chinese proverb: The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. I guess it doesn't matter how many times we pause or even fall back, if we keep putting one foot in front the other we will eventually get there.

Keep the faith!

Alli said...

Hey girl just checkin up on ya! I miss your blog entries... r u doing ok?