Thursday, July 26, 2007

counting down the hours...

I feel somewhat better today than what I did yesterday afternoon when I wrote last, although there are several issues that continue to concern me.

Lately I've Riss and I have been in touch solely through email, and with each one she sends she sounds more discouraged and dispondent. While I can totally understand her frustration about not coming across the job of her dreams yet, I honestly don't know what to say to her anymore. I have no idea why things are taking so long to come through or what the purpose is behind her having to stay at home for a longer period of time than what she originally anticipated. I do know that regardless of how things look from our human vantage point, God has and will continue to have control over ever situation. Often times we choose whether or not we'll have peace in our hearts either by leaving our cares and worries in His hands or clenching them tightly in our own, thinking we can do better.

I just wish that someone would be able to get through to her. She only sees just beyond the tip of her nose instead of trying to grasp the whole picture.