Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Notes from the office..

As hard as it is to believe, I'm actually taking out a few minutes of my afternoon here at work write a new entry. To date, the biggest change of all has been that as of last Thursday (July 5) I've been working at Inmobiliaria Europa, a real estate agency in Aguadulce right around the corner from the church. The process through which I got the job literally took an afternoon-- last Monday I sent my resume to apply for the position, and that same afternoon I got a call from Avelino for me to come in for an interview on Wednesday morning. Chechu accompanied me to the interview where the job was practically handed to me on a platter and the rest is history. We agreed that my monthly salary would be 1200€, which apparently is unheard of for women to earn here-- an unfortunate aspect of life in Spain needless to say. Given that I don't have my residency permit yet, I'm essentially working under the table. Avelino and I have yet to establish a contract (he's currently on vacation until next week)and even when we do, I'll still have to count on his word and integrity to pay me what we agreed on each month. But I know that isn't my worry, and I know that if God brought me here, He will see that I am compensated for my work.

It's exciting to see how things have fallen into place. I'm actually working in my field and I still have the transcriptions to fall back on in terms of income. I do want to investigate freelance translation opportunities, but with my schedule such as it is, I'm not sure when or where I'd have the time to fit it all in. At the beginning of summer Chechu said that he believed in his heart that both of us would have so many job offers coming in that we would literally have to pick and choose which ones to take. Not only do I believe and receive that, but I'm seeing it come to pass before my very eyes.

This month we're finalizing the wedding invitations and buying our wedding rings. We've begun our housing search and have extended our search parameters to include Aguadulce and Huercal. I kind of like the idea of living away from the capital, even though the transportation issues could potentially be a pain. Not overly concerned about it though because I know that God has everything under control.

Weight is slowly but surely coming off, although I recognize that I need to put more effort into my diet and exercise regime. The wedding is three short months away, and the time will fly by. I tried my dress on last month and couldn't zip it even half way. There's much work to be done!