Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The box has been opened since Saturday and unfortunately I haven't abstained as I had so hoped I would. There's undoubtedly something addictive about these cookies/crakers because it is humanly impossible to eat just one. Put some ice cold milk with that and it's all too easy to down half a pack. The hardest part for me is that I only crave them at night. If I'm going to eat them at all, ideally it should be in the morning. But as of lately that just hasn't been the case.

Yesterday was pretty long, but it ended better than it started. At first I was frustrated with everything and just wanted to go home and curl up in the bed. But progressively things got better. Although I did lay down for a little while after lunch, I didn't fall asleep. Afterward I got up do do some additional house cleaning and then headed back to work. Last night I got home and did Power 90 Cardio, only a 30-minute workout, and I really enjoyed it. It's been ages since I've worked out with that program. Since Chechu needed the laptop for school this morning I wasn't able to exercise before coming in to work. I will do either TJ or P90 this afternoon or tonight (or both). I'm really trying to focus on my WI next Monday, keeping in mind that the goal for the end of the month 210 lbs.

This weekend is going to be very exciting-- our church is going to be holding its annual women's retreat for those of us who are 30+ or married. Since I fall into the latter category, it'll be my first time attending. I feel so grown up! The retreat is going to be held here:
This is the same hotel in Almuñécar where my friends got married last September (theirs was the first of three weddings at our church last year, ours being the last). Usually our church retreats are held at rural campsites, so this is definitely a welcomed change. Having the retreat here of course means buffet libre, and several of the girls are already talking about how much they can't wait to try all the food. I however plan to be the exception to that rule. Since the weather is getting warmer I also want to take advantage of it and walk. I feel confident going into this weekend knowing that I've made it up in my mind that I'm going to maintain control.


Fairy Princess said...

Girl! I hope you had a great time! The retreat spot looks so great. I can't wait to get some warm weather where I am I am DONE with the winter blahs!