Monday, September 15, 2008

All things considered, I can't exactly complain about having lost just under two pounds this past week although I do wish I had a bigger number to post. My goal is to just keep things steady and consistent so that by this time next week I can log a preferably more significant loss. I admit, however, that seeing the numbers whittle down tenth-of-a-pound by tenth-of-a-pound can get discouraging at times, making me feel like I'm standing at the foot of an 80ft. mountain trying to contemplate how in the world I'll ever get to the top.

Being pressed for time yesterday I totally missed my cardio workout and today, barring 10 minutes of exercise that I was able to squeeze in tonight before cooking for tomorrow, I haven't had any additional time to exercise. Tomorrow, however, is a new day. I plan to get in a good workout tomorrow before work, and if I can squeeze in another one after I get back in the evening that'd be great too.


Alli said...

Just keep taking it one day at a time girl. Sometimes looking at the big picture gets overwhelming. Trust me I am living that! One day at time!!!

Nona said...

This is just great. Well done!!! Love the new look here too. Guess it's to go with the new attitude. ;P Keep it up!!! I can see a new slimmer you by your wonderful holiday at Christmas.