Saturday, September 27, 2008


Finally here. I had some strange dreams last night that have left me a little befuddled this morning, but other than that I'm feeling good. Chechu just left not too long ago for Granada and he'll be there all day for another rehearsal. Both of us were hoping to have a Saturday off to spend together, but it looks like that won't be possible for at least another couple weeks since there are a lot of church activities going on between now and then on the weekends. It's hard to believe that our first anniversary will be coming up in less than a month!

As of this morning I'm currently weighing in at 220.4 pounds. Granted, this hasn't been the best week in terms of exercise, but I have been very diligent (okay, maybe diligent is too strong of a word here) in watching my calories. I'm still waiting to post a huge loss that has yet to come and I'm a bit frustrated about it to say the least. But all I can do is keep going. The method seems so simple-- exercise between 45 minutes to an hour every day, lay off the bad carbs, salt and sugar and increase intake of vegetables, fruits and lean proteins. So freakin simple. And why it's so. freakin. hard to do sometimes is beyond my comprehension.

My goals for this chilly, damp Saturday:

1). Go visit with Fátima and be back before 2pm!
2). Read my Bible and spend time in prayer from 2-3
3). Exercise 3-4
4). 4:30-5 get ready for church
5). Church service

After church:
1). Clean house and iron
2). Make lunch for Sunday
3). Hang out with my man after he gets back home :)