Tuesday, September 11, 2007

De milagro en milagro

I feel like I have such a long list of "miracles needed" from the Lord. I know that He'll make a way-- He has to. It's just that when you think about everything that is still hanging out there in limbo, it still makes you a little bit nervous, wondering how everything is going to turn out.

In addition to the financial woes that my mother has been under lately, specifically dealing with the trip to Spain in October, Chechu and I have also been under stress because his teaching contract has yet to arrive. Classes supposedly start next week, and he still has nothing to go on about when he'll begin. On top of all that, he's received at least four different job offers so far for web/graphic design, all of which are great opportunities. But for as wonderful as they may be, if it's not in God's plan then there's no point in pursuing them. I know that Chechu hasn't put in all of this time to study and prepare for this teaching degree just to go into something else. I know that God wants to use him in education, and that this forms part of his purpose. Rather than getting sidetracked, we have to stand strong and diligent in spite of the temptations that could arise. All we can do is continue to pray and believe. I know that God has the victory for both of us in this, and that it will be yet another testimony showing His faithfulness. As the saying goes, He may not come when you want Him, but He's always on time.

The house is another issue we're praying about as well. At this very moment Chechu is speaking with Ángeles about the apartment and the necessary paperwork that we'll have to submit to the Junta de Andalucía in order to take advantage of the current program that they're offering to promote home rentals among young adults. Apparently her husband has said that he was wary of giving paperwork to the junta regarding this apartment, but I know that God will move his heart. I know this apartment is for us and that we'll have it in Jesus' name.