Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Feeling less tired today as compared to yesterday, although I feel like I could use some more rest. Yesterday I felt completely overwhelmed- not just physically but mentally as well. I ended up going to bed early with a migrane, and thankfully this morning I woke up without any pain.

I suppose my anxiety started sinking in over the weekend after realizing that I wouldn't be able to use the gown that I had Marissa send me for M & C's wedding this Saturday. I thought the gown was a size 16 and it actually is a 14. With Chechu's help I was able to zip the gown up, but it is too small to wear for the wedding. In coming to that realization, it also dawned on me that I had less than a week to buy an outfit for the wedding. On Saturday morning after running other errands, Chechu and I went downtown to see if we could find any suitable outfits. Unfortunately we didn't come across anything.

That afternoon right before church I went with Charo to the Alcampo where the two of us ran around like crazy women trying to find an outfit for me in the twenty or so minutes that we had to spare. To make a long story short I ended up getting really stressed out seeing that we essentially had no time to look for anything. Miraculously I was able to find a really nice top, but I couldn't even enjoy buying it because I was constantly being rushed- a sensation that I absolutely loathe. Chechu and his mom (his mom especially) both tend to function like that, which I guess is just a part of their culture.

This afternoon Chechu and I went back to the mall to pick up the same shoes that I had been looking at since Saturday. Adorable shoes, but a size 10. Luckily since they have a strap I can adjust it so that the shoe doesn't fit me too loose. It was like the shoes have been mine all along, since I've been debating on buying them for several days and they were still there when I went this afternoon. So, long story short, my attire for the wedding is taken care of. Now the big thing of course, is that Chechu and I still have to practice for the song we're going to sing. I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it, but I have to remember that I'm doing this for Mari Ángeles because she asked me to. I know that God will have everything under control, and that I have nothing to fear.

The house rental still has to be formalized. Chechu is planning to go to the Junta tomorrow morning with Angeles to fill out the required paperwork. In addition to all that, the house still has to be furnished- to say that it's bare is an understatement. All I can do is pray that between now and the end of September it will be in move-in condition. I'm anxious to have my own space and, I'll admit, to be a little further removed from Almeria.

My wedding dress STILL DOESN'T FIT. On impulse I tried it on Sunday afternoon after church, and to my horrible dismay it still doesn't zip up fully in the back. I'm really stressed out about it, and I could just kick myself for buying the dress in a size too small. I will NEVER, EVER put myself through this again. Nonetheless, I am fully confident that as of October 1 I will be able to wear it. Paqui and I agreed to do a fitting by then, and I am proclaiming victory in Jesus' Name!! I've become more diligent in watching my caloric intake and exercising daily. This has to pay off in the end.