Friday, February 29, 2008

I have officially checked out for the afternoon- or at least for the next hour or so that I'll be here at work. It's kind of been one of those lonely/needy days where I don't want to be by myself. However, working in a very small office with only one other co-worker who happens to be out of town at the moment has made for a very quiet Friday. Too quiet, considering my mood. Sigh. Thank goodness for messenger in moments like these!

So I got on the scale again this morning and I'm still at 220. Considering the week I've had I suppose it could have been a lot worse, so I won't complain. I haven't been as diligent about portion control, and there have been a few chocolate and ice cream run-ins as well. The good thing about that is that I was able to stay in control of exactly how much I ate instead of mindlessly plowing into the bon-bons and neopolitan ice cream (not my personal favorite, but a close second nonetheless) like I would have done under other circumstances. I'm sure the chocolate fixes can be tied to hormones, as they've been flaring up this week.

Compared to my four consecutive workouts last week, this week in turn has been pretty bad in terms of exercise. Other than walking yesterday in San José and Níjar I haven't done anything. Not one blessed minute. Sigh.

Today hasn't been any different either. For breakfast I did have yogurt and my usual Danacol, and for lunch we had cashew roasted chicken, garlic and parsley tortellini, left over green beans and more kiwi salad. Pretty healthy, right? I managed to have just one serving of everything instead of filling up my plate a couple times like i usually do. All good there.. Here's where things go slightly awry... I ended up taking an afternoon nap with my husband and I woke up ravenously hungry as usual. Before leaving the house I grabbed two baggies of chocolate (2 reese's mini, 2 hershey's kisses in each), two bon-bons and a yogurt. One positive in a sea of negative, right? Sigh..

So I've fed my loneliness with chocolate and peanut butter this afternoon. I don't apologize for it, and quite honestly I don't feel bad about it. It is what it is- a day in the life of Marianna's weight loss journey that won't go down in the record books as "best day ever." Hell, this whole week wouldn't make that category. And you know what, it's okay. I realize that this is a process, which implies that there will be good days and bad days. Especially since I've just recently renewed my focus, it's going to take a little bit of time to adjust. Next week is a brand new week, and I'm all ready for it.

After work I'll be on my way to the bus station to meet Courtney. From there the three of us will be going to our favorite tapas bar for dinner, La Virgen Chica, and then head back home. I'll post more about the weekend as it progresses..


Fairy Princess said...

Chocolate and peanut butter. Yes I can TOTALLY understand that craving. Just saying those two words together makes me want some! Good for you for understanding that a day is only a day and the changes you are making are for a lifetime of good health!

Danni said...

I just found your blog and I wanted to stop by and say hello! Firstly, I am also a young African American female, and I love to see fellow sistas with sexy white men (my personal preference :-)).
Secondly, I appreciate and respect your love for Jesus, something else we share. It seems you have been struggling with your weightloss, or atleast struggling to get started. You have taken the first step in your journey by recognizing you want to change. Keep moving girl, a breakthough will come!
Check out my blog :-)
Phat Teacher