Tuesday, February 26, 2008

More tomorrow

It seems like everyone around me is ill-- Riss has acute bronchitis, and there are several hermanitos from the church that are sick too. I was starting to feel a little woosy myself this evening before leaving the office, certain that my boss had kindly passed along his nasty cooties to me since, ironically, he's been coming in now more regularly than ever, cold and all. I'm feeling slightly better now that I'm back home. Hopefully with some rest tonight I'll be able to shake off whatever this is.

Chechu and I just ordered pizza... Oops, there goes the A for effort for today. The only positive thing, diet wise, that has occurred today was my vegetarian lasagna that we had for lunch. A-MA-zing, if I do say so myself. Since Chechu took the laptop to work today my original plan was to work out this afternoon before going back to the office. And that just didn't happen. Seeing that we woke up late from our nap I figured that I'd spend the remainder of the afternoon straightening up and work out when I got back home in the evening. With the piping hot pizza sitting here, that's not going to happen either.

Sigh.. Tomorrow I'm getting this together, for real. TO BE CONTINUED...