Friday, February 8, 2008

Not so bad of an evening yesterday...

Won't be looking like this in summer '08!!

I ended up staying on the straight and narrow last night after work and left my prized Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream from B & J in Pepo's freezer where it belongs. Strangely enough, as I was walking by the store I didn't even feel that strong of an urge to go in. On the way home I thought of how differently my evening would have turned out had I bought the ice cream-- I would have sat on my couch to watch tv, ate and sulked afterward until Chechu got home. Then I would have transmitted my guilt and consequential bad mood onto him, which would have resulted in a less-than-pleasant evening for all. Thankfully on the contrary when I got home I put myself to work getting some housework chores done and making lunch for this afternoon. What a difference one mere decision can make in a person's day.

While we did manage to just eat cereal last night for dinner, we both confessed that we'd eaten earlier in the afternoon before getting home, or in my case as I was doing things around the house. But, progress is progress I guess, no matter how minimal.

Slowly but surely I feel my motivation coming back. This morning Avelino invited Cristina and me to coffee and he was telling us about his weight loss plan in preparation for summer-- exercising regularly, eating once a day, and only having fruit and vegetables for breakfast and dinner. He sounded totally determined about it and I know that he'll be able to achieve it. See how mental this whole process is? From now on I'm going to speak more definitively about my goals and plans in terms of weight loss-- no more of this "I'd like to lose X pounds before summer," or "I think I can achieve X if I put my mind to it" talk. I AM going to lose 75 pounds between now and summer's end, and whether or not it's the last possible day to go to the beach, I'll be wearing a bikini. More importantly, my cholesterol IS going to be below 200 when I go back to the doctor's in May.

Oh yeah, man. I'm starting to get fired up about this. As my sister so accurately pointed out, I'm kicking 30 in the ass. I refuse to have to look back on my 20's and regret not having taken control of this weight issue sooner. Chechu and I have to get this under control, and now. We're talking about trying for a baby next year (can't believe I'm writing those words), and I need to be in excellent health and shape before thinking about getting pregnant. So, the time is now.

I will be devising a plan today for Chechu and me to follow and I'll be posting it as well.