Monday, August 13, 2007

Another hectic weekend

As usual, this weekend allowed for very little down time. While I'm starting to get used to the constant movement here, every now and then it does take its toll. I'm convinced that all Spaniards suffer from sleep deprivation, and I think I'm starting to notice the same effects in my body as well. Nonetheless, I'm sure that all of this ripping and running will become easier and easier over time.

On Saturday after the fateful weigh-in, I ended up staying at the house throughout the rest of the morning, cleaning, washing my hair and preparing lunch. I talked with Mom and Riss on the phone to wish Mom a happy birthday, and I tried to convince the two of them to get out and enjoy the day together. Hopefully it sunk in. All I can do is continue to pray for Marissa-- I know how disappointed she is that the transition from school to work hasn't been what she expected. But I know that her job is waiting for her, and that God, who is forever faithful, will provide. Although it's starting to sound like a cliché, this is time for her to grow in her faith and in her relationship with God. If she knows Him as well she claims to, then she should know beyond circumstance that He is faithful to complete every promise. She can't continue to let her circumstances determine whether or not she trusts God, because what kind of relationship is that after all? "I'll praise you, but only in the good times when everything is going well." My Bible says "I will bless the Lord at ALL times." And that is a decision that she will have to make, whether she feels like it or not. It's a decision that we all have to make. Yesterday's sermon touched on that in a lot of ways, and I intend to send it to Marissa so that she can hear it all first hand. Instead of laying in the bed or lying around the house bemoaning her "fate," she needs to be active, getting in the Word, getting out of the house and BELIEVING God for all that is to come.

Charo preached for the first time on Saturday evening. She spent the whole day in her room fasting and praying until it was time to go to the church. She did extremely well, and incidentally she spoke about God's faithfulness. Interestingly enough, as she was speaking I was reminded of a dream that I had a long time ago, before Chechu and I got together, where I was preparing to speak before a congregation and he was helping me to go over what I was going to say. I know that God is calling all of us to the forefront, and I'm excited about everything that is to come.

On Sunday in Granada, Mª Ángeles and Curro were giving out their wedding invitations. It's hard to believe that their wedding is coming up so soon-- September 8 will be here before they know it! Chechu and I still have to finish preparing "You Raise Me Up," which I'm sure will come together during the next couple weeks.

Chechu and I still have a lot to do in terms of planning for the wedding-- decorations, flowers, gifts, handing out invitations... Enough to stress a person out :P

Last week I started teaching English conversation to a young law graduate, and we'll be meeting three times a week to study grammar and practice conversation. She's a really sweet girl with a lot of determination to learn. The pay is pretty good-- 8€/hr, and they pay me on a daily basis which is definitely a perk. Supposedly this coming Wednesday is a national holiday and no one will be working. Avelino hasn't said anything about it, and considering his volatile mood with the other girls who work here, I'm not exactly inclined to ask about it either. I suppose that between today and tomorrow something will be mentioned about it, if we'll have off or not...

This afternoon we'll be having lunch at Doña Aurelia's house to celebrate Chechu's aunt's birthday, which happens to be August 11 as well. I feel bad because I'm not exactly dressed for the occasion, and my hair is totally frizzy after having to speed walk here to the office after my class with Aida. Doesn't matter though :P