Monday, April 28, 2008


Diet-wise, I had a really good weekend- quite a contrast to how I did during the women's retreat I attended in March. On top of the fact that the food wasn't that great at the campsite where we were, I was just really focused on not letting the weekend throw a wrench in my plans to meet my 215 goal by Wednesday.

If I splurged at all it was yesterday after getting home from the retreat. I had a small slice of meat lasagna and red wine with my husband which was actually quite filling. Later that evening we went out to our favorite tapas bar for dinner. Steak and homemade fries were involved, albeit in small quantities. Our original plan was to go for ice cream afterward, but strangely enough neither of us (particularly me) wanted any after we ate. So we ended up going straight home instead.

I got on the scale this morning just to see where I was after the weekend, and I'm down to 217.6! Another 'new' low and just 2.4 pounds shy of my goal. At this point I'm just thrilled with the new motivation that I now have to continue with losing weight and getting healthy. I've had my emotional ups and downs this month, but in spite of that I've managed to eek out a 9.2 loss thus far, which ain't all that bad. I feel confident going into May, and I know that I can reach my goals if I just stay focused!


Alli said...

Girl you are doing so awesome! I bet you will reach your goal very very soon!!! I am so proud of you!

Fairy Princess said...

Nice chica! :) Even during a retreat you logged a loss. Nicely done!

Marissa said...

Hola cunada, como estas?
Espero que esten tu y Chechu de lo mejor. No se escribir asi que tu hermana esta escribiendo por mi. Y consta que si algo sale mal, fue tu hermana, no me eches la culpa a mi--yo no mas estoy dictando. Jejejejeje...

Lei tu diario y es la primera vez que leo algo asi. Me encanto'.
Espero que esten bien y espero verlos pronto y conocerlos en persona. En fin, besos y abrazos y estamos orando y oren tambien por nosotros.

PD: Consta que si no escribo no es por falta de conocimiento, sino por falta de dinero por comprarme una computadora :) No te creas es que en mis tiempos no habia computadora. Alla nos divertiamos con un palo y una llanta. Jajaja Es que en mi rancho no habia computadoras. Alli nos comunicabamos como los apaches--con senales de humo (y palomas, tambien). Aqui fue donde vine a conocer estos aparatos del demonio...pero estoy orando por uno.
