Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This morning the scale reading toggled between 221.2 and 222. In utter disbelief I must've stepped on at least five or six times to make sure that I wasn't just seeing things, but it was to no avail. The reading stayed the same and I was suddenly faced with an all-too-familiar decision: get angry, curse the scale and throw in the towel all together or keep moving forward in spite of this setback. I've chosen the latter.

I won't say that I didn't feel angry or disappointed after this morning's weigh in because I did. I really did. With the exception of not being able to work out so far this week I've done everything else right by following my diet plan and getting my water in. How that merits a 4.4-pound gain in two days is beyond me. I seriously don't get it.

But, I'm moving ahead. I refuse to allow this momentary setback to stall my progress. Over the past thirty days I've lost a solid 4.6 pounds which, at the very least, is more than what I lost in March. So I'm getting there. It's proving to be more difficult than what I originally anticipated, but that's okay. Turning back is not an option for me. I'm up for the challenge and I know that if I keep striving towards my goals, I will reach them.

It's time to look ahead to May. And in my case, May stands for exercise. I don't care whether it's walking, jogging, Turbo Jam, Tae Bo or any other form of exercise. The point is that for one hour, four days a week I need to be doing something.
I'm also taking down my numeric goals list because it's just not working for me. According to the initial goal chart I set out for myself, I should be 200 pounds by now. Constantly being reminded of the goals I haven't been able to reach isn't doing me any favors, so I choose to focus on goals that I can control, based on the effort that I put into reaching them.


Nona said...

How wonderful to discover you. Thanks for your comments.

I completely appreciate your frustration with the sudden weight gain that you did not earn. I do agree though that you have to focus on the action and let go of the results. I need to do that myself. :)

Hang in there!!!

Anonymous said...

I know the scale didnt say what you would have liked this morning but i still think you are to be congratulated for you effort in April. You lost weight and that is what matters here. You can do this.

Alli said...

I am so sorry about the scale. Dont let it make you give up though... there are a million reasons other than true weight gain for that number.. I bet you will see it change just as quickly as it went on. Chin up girl...we have to press on!

Allison said...

Scales cannot be trusted. I weigh myself at least once a day, usually more. And I'm glad I don't do it once a week, because I've seen the kind of crazy fluctuations the scale has. Like this morning, I was one weight before I dried my hair. And then after I dried my hair, I was half a pound heavier. What?!?! Makes no sense. Sounds like your scale is acting like mine. :)
I agree with you about May. It's all about the working out for me too. And I'm so glad to say farewell to April.

Trisha J. said...

I am glad you have decided to press on! You can do it! I had a very frustrating FEW months where I lost nothing or barely anything. Keep up the healthy foods and healthy actions and the rest will come! There is no way it can not. It might not always happen when you want it, but it will come! good luck

Fairy Princess said...

It's so much easier to keep moving forward when you are constantly dropping. The real measure of strength comes when you are seeing minimal or no drops each week. Continuing and pulling throught the plateaus and everything like that shows what an amazing woman you are and how awesome you really are! You go girl! I am so proud of you for pushing through! Truly inspiring!