Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New month, new plan, new goals

Happy April 1st!

A new month feels like such a new beginning: a fresh, clean calendar full of endless possibilities; a blank canvas, if you will, and I hold the paintbrush. Depending on my willingness to work, I can and will accomplish a lot during these next thirty days.

Today marks "Day One" for Chechu and me. We've put ourselves on a doctor-ordered low-calorie/low-cholesterol diet as of today. This was decided on Saturday afternoon when we got the diet after going to Almeria for Chechu's tutoring session with one of the boys from church. Originally we set our start date for March 31, but since we weren't able to make it to the grocery store until yesterday to stock up on all the food we'd need, we decided to push the date back until today. I actually am glad that we chose to begin a day later. There's just something motivational about starting a new month off on the right foot.

Needless to say, knowing that we'd be beginning our new diet this week, I ate h o r r i b l y from Saturday night all through Monday. There was pizza, strawberry cheesecake ice cream, ham and cheese croissants and an insane amount of chocolate (among other things). I'll admit that some of the indulgences I hid and ate in secret so that Chechu wouldn't see me. I feel kind of embarrassed writing that down because it shows that even in front of my own husband I feel ashamed to expose that side of my eating habits. "Last-chance eating" has been a part of my yo-yo dieting experience since it all started many moons ago, and that's a concept that Chechu just doesn't get. To him it's a huge contradiction to b & m one minute about wanting to lose weight and then going out for pizza and ice cream the next. While he's so obviously right, I suppose that if L-C-E cycle were that easy to correct, most of us wouldn't be in the predicament we're trying to get out of.

So anyway, I'm not at all surprised with the horrid 226.8 reading I got this morning on the scale. Yep, that's up +3.8 since the last time I weighed myself. Under other circumstances I'd be down in the dumps about that, but I feel really good about this weight loss plan we're on. Today has been very positive thus far, and I'm certainly looking forward to continue.
Here's what I've eaten thus far:
B: 1 slice wheat toast w/ grated tomato, garlic, 1tsp. olive oil
Coffee w/ skim milk, no sugar
S: Banana
L: 2c. tomato pasta w/ tuna, large veggie salad w/ FF ranch
S: Mandarin orange
D: (after work) 1c. mixed vegetables, 1 slice FF white cheese, kiwi
Exercise at home tonight after work. More to come with my specific goals for April..


Felicia said...

I totally agree. A whole new month just ours to do with what we want!! I hope its just a WONDERFUL month for you all around.

Sorry to hear about the scale evil but sounds like you have a great plan laid out for yourself!

Best wishes!

briy said...

I know just what you mean! I love having a brand new month... it's just nice to have a clean slate after a rough time. But I too have engaged in last-chance eating, so I know what you mean. But hopefully this positive attitude and momentum will carry you straight through the month, and you'll see some good stuff on the scale! Congratulations on taking a great first step! I'll be coming back to see how it's going. :)

Take care!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

All that matters today is that you are on the right track! And you have a whole shiny month ahead of you! Congratulations on beginning your journey.

Alli said...

Ham and Cheese croissants.... drool......
I to am a last chance eater, I am trying to change that and remember that every calorie counts - which doesnt mean you dont deserve a splurge every now and then but I am trying to boil it down to just a meal. I used to have a "cheat week" before every big diet attempt. So I had to do some drastic measures to change my thinking.
Here is to a fresh month for both of us!! It definitely feels like a mental clean slate on the 1st and yesterday was a good day for me! Sounds like it was for you as well.

Fairy Princess said...

I am a new month girl as well. It's so much easier when you have a partner doing it with you. Great to hear that you and Chechu are doing it toghether. My hubby and I are as well. :) You are both in my thoughts!

Danni said...

I like your outlook for the month! Good luck with your plans: you can do it! One thing that might help you with your loss is upping your protein intake; maybe 2-3 egg whites in the am with your toast and 4oz of meat with your dinner? Either way, you're doing great!

Phat Teacher

Diana Swallow said...

Yes it is a whole new month, put the past behind you and focus on the future. When I would have a long weekend of eating all of the wrong foods I found I was in an all or nothing mode...meaning I'd think "I blew it I might as well eat all of this and start fresh on Monday" Monday turns to Tuesday Tuesday turns to next week, next week turns into three years from now. I don't think there is anything wrong with eating those foods you mentioned but just spread them out a bit and not all at once and it makes it easier to balance things. Does that make sense?

You have a great plan for April! Push forward and don't look back.