Tuesday, April 29, 2008


1. This is a three-day work week for us since we're off Thursday and Friday for Labor Day. I am so excited about having a few days off from work. As far as I'm aware this is the last national holiday we'll have for a good while, so I intend to make the most out of it.

2. It looks like May is going to be another intense month full of activities, particularly on the weekends. After the youth retreat I was selfishly looking forward to having a quiet, relaxing few days just to spend with Chechu, but since then those plans have changed. Two of my American girlfriends will be coming down to spend this Friday-Sunday with us here in Almería, and I'm looking forward to spending time with them. Surely going to the beach will be among the main weekend highlights :)

3. I'm really have no direction as to where this post is going this morning (hence the random, numbered paragraphs). I'm not exactly sure about how I feel or what to feel. There are a few family issues that are somewhat up in the air right now, but rather than stressing out about it all, I'm leaving it in God's hands. I know that He has control over all things, and since nothing is impossible for Him, a way will definitely be made.

4. As of today I've gotten in a measely 5.82 hours of exercise this month. Hmm.. We ended up getting home late after prayer last night and I didn't have time to exercise then either. My goodness, does this have to change for May. This afternoon is really the only chance I'll have at getting a workout in since I have a bunch of errands to take care of tonight after work. I haven't exercised since last Thursday, so I hope to be able to get in a 20-minute workout at least.

5. Tomorrow is the last day of April and, consequently, the big WI. I didn't get on the scale this morning, so I'll just plan to face the music tomorrow. At this point I'm not that worried about it all. It'll be great if I can be in the 215's by then but if not, I'm certainly not going to beat myself up over it. Thankfully progress has been made this month and I know there's no turning back for me. This is one area of my life that I have to get together.

6. I need to update my goals for May. I need to plan my exercise schedule. I'll get to work on that for tomorrow.

Menu for today:

1 slice wheat toast, 1 slice cured ham
coffee w/ skim milk

S1: none

pasta w/ garlic tomato/tuna sauce
Vegetable salad w/ olive oil & balsamic vinegar

Fruit of some kind

vegetable mix
slice FF white cheese
1 slice wheat toast
LF Yogurt


Alli said...

I hope may will be a better month than you are anticipating. I too have alot of weekend obligations in May that I am not looking forward to. Somehow we will both get through it. I hope you have a wonderful time with your girlfriends... definitely try and relax and ENJOY yourself! You have earned it.

briy said...

Hi there! :)

I had a slightly unsuccessful April as well, and am definitely ready for that clean slate of May.

Good luck with your new goals and family troubles. :) Get this month started off right!

Take care!

Allison said...

Aren't you so ready for April to be over already? Goodness, I am. I'm ready for a fresh start in May, and to make better decisions and to work out more.
By the way, I'm totally jealous of your three-day work week this week. It's much too beautiful outside to be working right now!

Marissa said...

Enjoy your long weekend!

Hope your WI goes well!

Trisha J. said...

Girl, you are doing GREAT! I hope this month exceeds your desires and expectations. Enjoy your holiday and take time to do something physical---like a hike or a swim. That way you get out, have fun and get exercise with out it being a chore.:-) Enjoy your time with your friends. I enjoy reading about you and your reflections on your faith. Seems like you and I are in very similar places in a lot of different ways: weight, weight loss and faith. Thanks for stopping by.