Tuesday, April 15, 2008

HYC update

  1. I've lost 0.8 pounds this week, putting me at 219.6! I'm so happy to finally see a number below 220. Since I began weighing myself in February I think the lowest I had gotten down to was 218, so I'm ear-marking that as my next mini-goal. I feel confident that if I can just stick to this faithfully between now and the end of the month I'll surely reach a solid 215.

  2. I didn't meet my exercise goals for this week, as I only worked out two days. I am really struggling with this. I find it so difficult to wake up early in the morning to exercise, just like I find it difficult to come home after work and do it then. I suppose getting started is never easy no matter how much one tries to plan. There's always an excuse to put it off another day. So for this week, my goal is to just get excited about exercise again. I have to break through this barrier! Does anyone have any suggestions?

  3. I think the "cheat weekends" are definitely going to have to be put on the back burner at this point. It'd be one thing if we could actually stick to having just one off-plan meal, but since we struggle to keep it at that we'll be better off staying on plan for the entire week. In spite of my weird cravings that come up every now and then, staying on track during the work week isn't as much of a challenge anymore. The weekends, however, are my weak point. My goal for this coming Saturday and Sunday is to stick with the plan and see where that gets me next Tuesday.
Here's to a great day all!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting below the 220, that is fantastic :-)

Hanlie said...

Well done on breaking that personal barrier! You're doing great!

Felicia said...

Congrats on your loss! That is wonderful to be below 220!!! Keep up the great work! You are doing it!!


Alli said...

Hey chica!! First of all YEAAAAA For breaking through the 220's! You rock. As for the exercise maybe you could try walking 30 min at lunch or if your work is flexible taking a 30 min walk break? I would LOVE to work out in the morning but I know it aint going to happen so i just know that as soon as dinner is over its to the gym for me. Start out small like 3 or 4 days a week and then go from there... they say it takes 21 days to build a habit so break out the calendar and start putting little hearts on your work out days. Little things like that do motivate!! And as for the weekend cheats I am in the same boat. I have been experimenting with doing a cheat meal on Friday nights that way I can start over on Saturday fresh (saturday is when my WW points starts over too). Another thing is I try to cook my own cheat meals rather than hoggin it up at a restaurant. Then at least its not a really BAD cheat.

Good luck, you are doing so well!!

Fairy Princess said...

Woo hoo! Grats on getting below 220girl!

Trisha J. said...

YEAH for you! I was glad to see 220 go by. I haven't seen it on the scale in a few weeks and it really motivates me to keep going! Good for you. I struggle with working out as well. I have to "pencil" it in my mind/schedule as if it is an appointment I can't break. So if someone asks me if I can do something during that time frame,I say, "No, I have an appointment." Then I arrange some other time with them. I have to work out before I pick up my daughter from school or go home or make dinner......or I won't do it. The "games" I have to play to get things done! :-) Oh well, it works for me.................for now! :-)

briy said...

Yay! Congrats. That's such an awesome milestone. That was my very first goal, and I was thrilled!

btw, I'm tagging you, if you're interested. :) See my blog for details.
