Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Good morning!

I'm determined to have a positive, productive Wednesday, and it's already started off on a good note. My boss just stepped into my office to see how I was doing. He said I've been looking kind of down lately and he wanted to make sure that I was doing all right. I thanked him for asking about me and said that I'm doing well- just a tad bit tired and I've got a little sore throat going on right now, but other than that I'm great. I totally wasn't expecting that this morning. Ever since we've started working on all these new projects he and I have barely spoken to each other. Needless to say, it's nice to know that he thought of me and stepped in just to see how I was.

After posting my big idea about not getting on the scale until the end of the month (just seven glorious days away!) I did hop on this morning just to see where I was. In my defense, I hadn't weighed myself since Saturday and I was quite pleased to see that I'm only up 0.4 lbs- certainly not the 264598 gain I was expecting to see with how bloated I've been feeling lately. So I'm happy to say that there is hope between me and my goal for this month.

Contrary to my original plan however, I didn't go through with working out last night. I got through the first five minutes of the warm up, but my cramps were too much for me to continue. Plus I just really wasn't in the mood, and that seemed to make the cramps worse.
That sounds like such a whiny excuse.

I think my workout dilemma would be solved if I could just get out of bed in the morning to exercise and get it out of the way. As of lately I've been putting it off until the evenings after work and that has proven to be very inconsistant. Normally I'll set my workout time for 8:15PM but, given the previous track record of leaving the office late, I'm usually still here by that time. In those instances, when I do get home I'm already irritated that I didn't leave work on time and that I have to re-arrange my evening schedule to fit a workout in. That generally translates to less motivation for exercise. This gets even more complicated on days like today when I have church or other activities to attend in the evenings and, consequently, less time to squeeze in a workout.

In short, I really need to aim for morning workouts. This is the only time frame during the day that I can control 100%, not to mention the fact that in doing so I'm getting my workout in before the workday actually begins. That will free up more time for me in the evenings and, on the whole, I'll just feel a lot better. The hardest part of this whole thing of course is not hitting the snooze button when the alarm goes off at 7am.

So, for all you morning exercisers out there, any suggestions? Please? :)


Fairy Princess said...

I wish I had some great advice to help you, I struggle just as you are. Working out is the hardest thing for me to convince myself to do. No matter how good I know it is for me I just have such a hard time getting my butt up to do it.

Allison said...

I wish I could get the inspiration to get up early and work out before going to work. At least walk on the treadmill or something. But alas, I fail at getting enough willpower together every morning.

Alli said...

Awww I am sorry about the sore throat!! I hope you can nip that in the bud early so it doesn’t turn into a full on cold.
I have tried so many times to become an morning work out person but it ain’t gonna happen… at least not right now. Besides I kind of like making myself go at night then I am less likely to sit at home and eat while I watch tv. I guess you just have to do what works for you!!

Did you get my last email??