Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Work drama

So thankfully I was able to stay on plan last night without any issues. I left work at 8pm on the nose, and immediately went straight home to work out before I could give it a second thought. It went pretty well- I did about 40 minutes of the workout and next time around I plan to get through the whole thing. I'm not sure if I'll have time to work out today or not since Wednesdays are the busiest for me. It'll most likely be 11pm or so when I get home tonight, and it'd be pretty unrealistic of me to think of working out at that hour. So, in short, barring a drastic change in schedule I'll be counting today as an off day. Cool.

In spite of my sporadic bouts of lunacy with chocolate cravings, I feel really good on this diet. It's an easy plan, I'm getting in a crap-load of fruits, vegetables and water every day, and on the whole I just feel much healthier. It's also a huge help that my husband and I are doing this together. I struggle when I have to diet on my own, and now that Chechu and I are on the same page things are going so much more smoothly. We're both losing weight and we're looking forward to seeing great results by the end of the month. For myself, a realistic goal between now and then would be 215, constituting an 11-pound loss for the month. Not to shabby, eh? I think I should be more than capable of losing a solid 5 pounds over the next three weeks.

In other news, I'm prayerfully considering a new job. My feelings about being here change sporadically, and that speaks to me of instability. Working here has made me realize that no job is perfect, but I'm really not happy where I am.

Granted, the job has definitely been a huge blessing to both me and Chechu. Last summer, after less than a month of looking for work, I sent in my application here and was hired the very next day. At the time I didn't have any of my paperwork in order to work in Spain, but my boss took me in anyway and has since been faithful in paying me my salary and everything else I've been due. But now that I've got all of my permits together, he doesn't seem to want to move. After running around like a mad woman this week to get my social security documents squared away, I contacted the company's Human Resources director to let her know that I had everything ready to be filed in the system as a "hire." She abruptly told me that she had to speak with Avelino first to go over the stipulations of my contract, etc. Fine. Immediately after speaking with her (Monday) I told Avelino that he'd have to contact her in order to file my paperwork as a company hire, and he said he'd be on it this week. So this morning when he got to the office he mentioned to Cristina that he'd be going past HR today to drop off some other documents. After their conversation I conveniently reminded him about my paperwork and asked if he wanted me to prepare copies of everything to take to HR when he went. So then the man snaps back at me with "I have to take your paperwork to HR?" Then he said that he'd speak to the director about my contract, but I'd have to go there myself to submit the paperwork. What. The. $!(·"%&)/?? That totally caught me off guard, especially since I'm an employee and as far as I know most company directors are responsible for filing their employees' documents with HR. I felt really hurt by how he responded to me, as if to say he truly could give a crap about me, the lowly immigrant.

So at this point, for as absent-minded as Avelino is, I don't know if my paperwork will ever be filed. And frankly, I'm not that interested in sticking around here any longer to find out. This afternoon I plan to send in my resume to a few language academies and translation agencies that I've come across, and all I can do is trust that whatever God has for me I'll have.


Alli said...

I truly hope you find the job you are looking for. It took me several tries to find a place that was the right fit but I know it exists!!
Congrats on the weightloss it sounds like things are really falling into place in that area for you. AND i know it has to be such a blessing to have Chechu on board with the program as well. I wish I could convince Brian to join up with me haha.
Best of luck on the job search!!

Trisha J. said...

Hi, I followed Alli's blog to you:-) Hope that's ok. I enjoyed reading your blog and it sounds like you and I are in similar situations weight-wise. Living there must be so nice. I would love to go to another country and immerse myself in the culture. My hubby Brian is also working on weight loss with me. It really helps. Otherwise we do play the "enabler" game with each other! LOL Good luck with your journey.