Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh Monday..

I can't believe how fast weekends fly by. As I was writing my posts last Friday I could just blink and see myself back here at my desk on Monday morning. And here I am, ready to face a brand new week.

As expected, Saturday and Sunday were non-stop. We woke up super early on Saturday to meet the other young adults at the church by 7am to organize the carpooling plans. After a minor, yet costly fender-bender we began the drive up to Jaén. I was admittedly in a sour mood for almost half the ride there-- I was tired, but mostly I was angry about the accident we had, which, with a little more care, could have been completely avoided. Thankfully no one was hurt.
After a much-needed trip to the bathroom when we finally arrived in Linares I felt a lot better. The concert was actually a day-long event with different activities during the morning hours, lunch and then the concert was held afterwards. It was quite a big event with teens and young adults from different churches in attendance from all over Andalucía- those of us from Almería and Granada and others coming from Córdoba, Cádiz, Málaga, Sevilla and Jaén. Needless to say I ended up having a great time there, after all the prior headaches.

Yesterday afternoon we drove up to Granada for church with Charo. We had dinner (and dessert) afterwards, and ended up arriving back home around 1:30am.

So I'm a bit tired this morning, needless to say.

No exercise this weekend, and eating wasn't that great either. Our "cheat meal" turned into another cheat weekend, which neither of us are thrilled about. Weekends are so tough for me. After a full five days of staying on track I feel like I deserve at least a meal to eat what I want. While that sounds reasonable, it never turns out that way in my case. One meal leads to more snacking, and then just blowing it all together. In retrospect, however, things could have been a lot worse in terms of my food choice. Yes, I snacked on cookies and honey-roasted peanuts. Yes, I indulged last night, savoring a white chocolate/strawberry cheesecake ice cream bar. But it was all controlled, and I didn't go overboard once in spite of the intense cravings I had last week. Progress is progress, and I'll take it as it comes!

So here's to a brand new week. Tomorrow is my weigh-in, and I'm really hoping to see a number below 220. Between now and the end of the month my goal is to reach a solid 215. April is half over, as hard as that is to believe, and I really need to focus to reach this goal.


Alli said...

I feel your pain on the "cheat meal" its like it always spawns a few cheat snacks and some other stuff. Its a slippery slope. I know we can take control if we set our minds to it. Here's to a good week for the both of us. Maybe we can figure out a compromise with the cheat meal something to give us a little indulgance but not free reign. hmmm.....

Marissa said...

Hey!! Thanks for checking out my blog!! So cool that your sister spells her name just like mine!! Most people use 2 "r"s or 1 "s".

I've added you to my blog roll...I fully plan on catching up on all your old posts soon!

Trisha J. said...

I am glad you had fun at the concert. And yes, weekend FLY! I hate that. :-( Why can't I just be independently wealthy and never have to work again!?!?!?! lol I am the same with a "cheat" meal. One things leads to another. I think I am just going to have to put the idea of a "cheat" meal away. Live my weekends like I do the week and that way if I have an occasional slip (an unexpected dinner out), my mind will already be tuned to "getting back on the wagon." I don't know.....what do you think? lol