Friday, May 2, 2008

The Office

So this weekend has taken on some new twists thus far.

To start with, more work issues. I'm at the office today, which obviously wasn't a part of the original plan for this weekend. On Wednesday at the last minute, Avelino decided that we'd all have to come in to the office from 9-2pm today since there were some things left over from that afternoon that didn't get done. Needless to say, I'm not exactly thrilled about having lost half a vacation day, especially since we had already established the week before that we'd have a four-day weekend. I had made plans accordingly, and since then I've had to restructure everything for today, which I find pretty unfair.

After what seems to have taken an eternity, my employment contract is finally completed. This means that I'm officially on the payroll and eligible to receive all worker benefits. As thrilled as I am about that, I'm praying that my net income won't go down. Since I'm no longer working "under the table," as an employee more money has to go out from the boss's pocket to cover me. So I'm just praying that I won't take the hit. Payday will be this coming Monday, so I'll certainly find out then.

We've also been having some car trouble over the past couple days, which will hopefully be resolved by this afternoon. Nevertheless, we're facing the reality of having to purchase a new car. Ideally it'd be great if we could hold off until next year to do so, especially since my plan is to have my license by then. We'll see what happens..

Diet-wise, things are going about the same. I'm moving forward, focusing primarily on my exercise goals for this month. I got in a really nice walk yesterday which was quite a welcomed change. This weekend I'll be doing my best to get in some additional workouts as well. According to the scale I'm practically back down to Monday's "breakthrough" weight, but I refuse to allow myself to get too excited about it. Even though I'm anxious to see the numbers consistently go down, I'm fully concentrating on the things that I can control- staying on my plan, getting my water in and working my butt off. I know the numbers will catch up.


Alli said...

Ohhh Girl I am sorry you are at work today. I hope it goes by quickly so you can enjoy the rest of your weekend.
YOu just ignore that scale... it does the same thing to all of us. I dont get it... just goes back to its WAY more complicated then Cals in cals out. Hope you have a good relaxing saturday and sunday.

Moby Dick said...

Wow, your boss sounds like a major A-HOLE. Making people work on a Saturday of a four day weekend has to be the biggest shiite that any boss can pull short of firing you while you are on vacation.

I thought Europe had better work laws and more benefits? Sounds like you are working in a sweat-shop!!

Hope things get better!