Thursday, May 15, 2008

After a jam-packed day yesterday, finally getting to sleep after 1am, I was pretty tired rolling out of bed at 8am this morning. While my husband was making coffee I went to sit on the couch to check email. Just as he was coming back into the living room to ask me about some late-night snack evidence I had unknowingly left behind at 3am (more on that later) we heard this earth-shattering B O O M that shook our entire apartment complex. The explosion came from right across the street and my husband’s first thought was that someone had planted a bomb near one of the townhouses. That was a horrifying thought, considering that just this past Tuesday there was a terrorist attack in northern Spain carried out by ETA (Basque-nationalist terrorist group) where one person died and several others were injured. Initially it would seem a bit unreasonable to plant a bomb in a quiet residential district where we live but then again, when is terrorism ever logical?

So after the explosion my husband grabs the video camera and goes out on the patio to record the scene. Smoke was everywhere. In spite of that, people were pouring out of their homes into the street to see what had happened. This really concerned me because given the fact that no one knew exactly what caused the explosion, people were placing themselves directly in harm’s way given the instability of the area. My common sense radar says to run from danger, not to it.

After getting the facts from some of the neighbors who had been to the site, the explosion was apparently triggered by a faulty butane gas tank. Crazy. Thankfully I don’t think anyone was hurt in the incident but my goodness, what a scary way to start the morning.

However, it seems as if the drama has followed me to work this morning. Tension is pretty thick ‘round these parts.

Is it Friday yet?

Diet-wise, I was up a little bit on the scale this morning. I’m sure I can attribute that to eating really late last night before bed and a 3am run-in with cake. I’ve really been doing well about not getting up in the middle of the night to snack, but the past two days have been brutal. Does anyone else have issues with this? It’s really weird, like a force greater than myself propels me to the kitchen cabinets to grab whatever sugar-laden foods I can get my hands on.

Today’s plan is to fill up on water, fruits and vegetables and lay low on the salt and sugar. I have another full day today, so a workout may not be possible. We’ll see.


Trisha J. said...

Oh my goodness! Craziness! I can not believe the house blew up! I am glad you guys are ok (and for that matter everyone else as well). I don't have any advice on late night eating, once I am asleep, I am asleep! (unless my three year old wakes me). Hubby eats late but that is b/c he is UP late, not b/c he gets up..........Good luck with that and if I read/hear anything I will let you know.