Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Time and space

The past few days have been really hectic, and it looks as though that trend will be continuing throughout the rest of the week. I've got a few non-work related projects that I have to finish by Friday, namely designing a program for my aunt's memorial service (well, Chechu will actually be doing the designing- I'll just be adding my input) and finishing a few translations that one of the pastors had asked me to do a while back. I'm also waiting for more contract work from my second job to be posted so that I can get started on that as well. Work, work, work. Nothing like impending student loan payments to get that mojo flowin'.

This past weekend with Courtney was a lot of fun. My other friend was unable to make the trip down, so it ended up just being the three of us hanging out. We had quite a full three days and I think she really enjoyed herself. Pictures to come. She said she'd like to come back down during the last weekend of the month, since that will be her last weekend in Spain. It's hard to believe how fast a semester flies by. Time in general tends to do that.

I was really tired after getting home from work last night. I laid down for about a half hour, but knowing that I had a lot of things to do around the house kept me from resting fully. So I got up and worked out for about 45 minutes. As usual, I felt 100% better afterwards, with renewed energy to get through the evening. My goal for this week is to get five 45-minute workouts under my belt. The only day that I'll pretty much have to get up early to exercise will be tomorrow, since I have activities going on throughout the day. I really enjoyed exercising yesterday. Hopefully remembering that after-workout feeling will keep me moving through the rest of the week.

I've come down 2.2 pounds since my last weigh in. I had seen an even lower number earlier last week, but after the weekend I've had I'll definitely take the loss. I'm anxious to see numbers that I haven't seen in a while. Hopefully this will be my week to continue breaking barriers.


Alli said...

Ugg… student loans that’s such a dirty word. =) Glad you had a good weekend with your girlfriend!! Hope we both have great weeks.

Trisha J. said...

Congrats on the weight loss!