Thursday, May 15, 2008

An explosive day

Update on the explosion this morning: the house where the gas tank blew up isn’t a house anymore. This afternoon my husband and I drove past the site on the way to drop me off at work and I was absolutely flabbergasted to see nothing but rubble where the house used to stand. Originally I thought the explosion occurred outside, but apparently the faulty tank was inside the home when it blew up. Miraculously neither of the townhouses on either side went down with it, but they obviously suffered exterior damage along with those located directly across the street.

I’ve never seen anything like that before.

The fireworks that kept coming at work this morning have finally died down too, thank goodness. It’s been one of those weeks I guess, and I can’t wait for Friday to get here to finally get off this emotional rollercoaster I’ve been on and have a much needed break.

Tomorrow evening Chechu’s off to Granada for the teen retreat. Even though I’ll miss his company, I am definitely looking forward to a quiet, relaxing Friday night at home with me, myself and I. On Saturday afternoon I’ll be heading up to Granada with another friend from church to spend the rest of the weekend there. My friend Courtney is going to be giving a concert at one of the local cafes there (how cool is that?!) and we both wanted to go up and support her. Knowing how talented this girl is, it’ll definitely be amazing.

That’s about all I’ve got for now. This week has been so long it feels like Friday already. :P Just two more hours left at the office and I'm home free.


Alli said...

Wow girl that is crazy about that gas explosion. I am so glad that your home was not affected, and that you and chechu are safe.
As for the late night eating I have a good friend who does this often especially wehn she is really stressed. Do you think you are more stressed this week about something?? Do you have problems sleeping?